About HPA

The New York Health Plan Association (HPA) is the industry’s voice for health plans across New York State. We are committed to promoting high quality, affordable and equitable care for all New Yorkers.

HPA’s members provide comprehensive health care coverage to more than eight million New Yorkers. This includes individuals who:

  • Get their coverage through work, either from a small business, large employer, or union benefit fund.
  • Purchase health coverage directly from a health plan or through the state’s official Marketplace.
  • Are covered under a variety of government-sponsored programs such as Medicaid managed care, New York’s Essential Plan, Child Health Plus, or a Managed Long-Term Care plan.

Our member plans are committed to ensuring that every New Yorker has access to high-quality, affordable and equitable care, providing a broad range of programs to meet the unique health needs of their members and improve the care of the communities they serve.