For Immediate Release:  April 14, 2023

Re:       S.1366(Rivera)/A.6027 (Paulin) – AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the general hospital indigent care pool; and to repeal certain provisions of such law relating thereto

This legislation, S.1366/A.6027, will allow for a standard report from employers to detail the use of benefits by individuals covered under the employers’ plan. This bill will also mandate transparency of hospitalization costs by ensuring a New York State health benefit plan hospital pricing reports be publicly available utilizing the data collected and analyzed from health care claims.

New York has been a national leader in delivering high quality care to its Medicaid beneficiaries largely as a result of efforts by managed care plans and their provider partners. The Medicaid Managed Care Quality Incentive Program is an essential resource in advancing quality in Medicaid as it rewards managed care plans for the quality of care that they deliver to the more than five million New Yorkers covered by Medicaid. These measures incentivized by the quality program are aimed at addressing the core cause of health disparities experienced by low income communities and people of color and have been essential to New York state’s achievement of better health outcomes for underserved populations. The quality incentive program has direct impact on the delivery system, plan payment to providers and quality rankings statewide. This program would help efforts to move toward value based payments. Restoration of this funding provides resources to focus on the measures of greatest significance to the population

For the reasons, HPA supports S.1366/A.6027.