NYHPA Membership

The New York Health Plan Association (HPA) was founded in 1984 to foster the development of managed care health plans in New York State.

Currently the New York Health Plan Association has 16 health plan members who provide health care coverage to New Yorkers enrolled through their employers. New York’s Medicaid and Child Health Plus programs, and through the NY State of Health (NYSOH), New York’s official health plan market place. There are also 13 Associate members that are managed long term care plans, which provide or arrange for and coordinate both the health care and long term care needs of their patients. HPA’s Affiliate members are organizations and companies that work with managed care plans in the delivery of services to their members.

HPA’s member health plans are committed to the health care needs of New York State, serving residents healthy and sick, and communities rural and urban. Member plans provide health care protection to the employed population as well as government sponsored programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. HPA member plans also participate in innovative programs and research that promote the health and well being of New York State residents.

NYHPA Membership


Full Members Eligibility

Public Health Law Article 44/Insurance Law Licensed Health Plans

Associate Members Eligibility

Public Health Law Article 44 Licensed MLTCs

Affiliate Members Eligibility

Corporations, organizations, and partnerships including: Companies approved as utilization review agents pursuant to Article 49 of the Public Health or Insurance Law; independent practice associations; and companies providing or arranging for care for a limited scope of services such as mental health, pharmaceuticals or chiropractic care.


The New York Health Plan Association represents health plans that provide quality health care coverage to more than 7 million New Yorkers. HPA and its member organizations have credibility, and HPA can serve as the “voice” of the industry, speaking to audiences such as state legislators and regulators, the media, consumers, providers and employers.

Join Us

If your organization is interested in HPA membership and you would like to learn more, please fill out and submit the form below. An HPA staff member will contact you shortly.

Membership Type

Our Members participate in innovative programs that promote the health and well being of New York State residents.